Wednesday, August 29, 2012

157 - I'm Yours

“Tinkerhell,” David greeted as she stepped out of the limo and slung a duffel bag over her shoulder.  “How are you?  You look demonically beautiful, as always.”

Petey smiled and lifted her cheek to receive his kiss. “Hi, David.  Thanks.”  Taking in his long, black coat and dark slacks, she said, “You look quite dapper, yourself.”

“Hello, Goldilocks,” Gavin drawled, materializing from the depths of the vehicle with her dress  bag and a hatbox.

“Hey, Gavin.” 

That was pretty amusing.  David wasn’t giving it back to Gavin like he did everyone else.  He must be unsure as to how far he could push her Fairy Gaymother.

“Ready for your big day, Tink?” 

She readily turned over her duffel when he offered to take it, and tucked chilled hands in the over-sized pocket of her hoodie.  January in Jersey was cold.   Here, on the edge of the Navesink River, it was quite reminiscent of Pittsburgh and the cool, damp air that would blow off of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers.  Nostalgia aside, it might be nice to spend January in a warm climate for a change, someday. 

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

Aside from the neurotic fit she’d permitted to consume her the entire way?  After she’d quoted the third literary work highlighting a tragic romance, Gavin had threatened to gag her.  He swore he would have, but he’d be damned if would ruin his cosmetic skillfulness by smudging her lip gloss with a sock.

“I don’t know.  That whole ball and chain thing I guess.  It freaks some people out.”

“Oh, not our precious Peteykins.  She’s got the chains and a brass set of balls to go with them, isn’t that right Ms. Bronte?”

Thick eyebrows knit together and David’s eyes darted back and forth between her and Gavin, trying to find the right dose of sarcasm for the moment.  There must not have been a right dose.

“Um, ok.”  He zeroed in on Petey, Gavin clearly putting him out of his element.  “ Tink?  I’ve been meaning to ask.  Did you and Jon write your own vows, or should I stick with the traditional ones?  I have a few words of my own…”

The toe of Petey’s sparkly pink tennis shoe bumped against the first step of the stoop and she didn’t move any further.    She hadn’t thought about vows.  At all. 

You’re an idiot.  The ceremony that seals the rest of your life to another person and you haven’t given the first thought to what you’re going to promise him?

What was significant, yet appropriate to set the foundation for a marriage like theirs?

An excerpt from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest?

What vows could possibly outline the depths of her insecurity at this moment?  What if she sucked as a wife?  Was he going to decide to hook up with a mistress in every city?  Someone who understood him better than she did?  And how could she be expected to know him?  They’d only met weeks ago.  Did he feel an obligation because of her haywire life and occasional psychological instability?  What was it going to be like when sex wasn’t the focal point of their relationship?  Would they have anything to talk about?

“I'm not asking you to forgive me. I'll never understand or forgive myself. And if a bullet gets me, so help me, I'll laugh at myself for being an idiot.”

Gavin threw his head back and blew a visible breath straight up into the cold air.  “Christ.  Here we go again….  Where the hell is that man of hers?  Somebody get him.  Now!”

David darted that same befuddled look at Gavin as he had before, but he spoke to Petey.  “What are you talking about, a bullet?”

“She’s reciting some romantic literary tragedy,” Gavin spat, breezing past her to throw open Dorothea’s front door without so much as a perfunctory knock.  “Where the hell is Jon Bon Jovi?”

She heard it all going on around her, but she was helpless to do anything but let her mind drive itself on autopilot.  It was the only thing keeping her from disintegrating into a babbling puddle of nonsense on the front steps of the big house. 

“There's one thing I do know... and that is that I love you, Scarlett. In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.”

“Is… Is that Gone With the Wind?”

“How many Scarletts do you know, Curly?” Gavin threw back over his shoulder before drawing up short.  He’d almost barreled his chest into Dorothea’s face. 

“Gavin what are you screaming about?”

“Her,” he huffed.  “She’s been reciting for damn-near two hours.  She’s completely freaked out about this marriage gig.  Jon has to talk to her.”

“I just sent him upstairs and told him he couldn’t see her before the wedding.”

“Patience?”  Her mother sidled through the door, her arm slipping around Petey’s shoulders.  She gently urged, “Come inside, dear.  We’ll find Henry.  You know he always soothes you.”

“Aren’t you listening to me, Mother Teresa?”  Gavin twice snapped his fingers next to her ear.  “Need JBJ.  Stat.”  He whirled on Dorothea, who still stood inside the doorway.  “And you, Snarkalicious…  I think a bridal meltdown trumps your heterosexual wedding traditions.” 

There was going to be a brawl on the stoop and Petey was helpless to referee.  The card-carrying genius that she was could only mutter, “Because we're alike. Bad lots, both of us. Selfish and shrewd. But able to look things in the eyes as we call them by their right names.”

At her mother’s persistent urging, she finally dragged her scuffed shoes up and over the two steps that stood between her and the marble foyer.  The others trooped in behind her, shutting the cold out with a slam of the massive door.  She tentatively permitted her thoughts to stray away from Margaret Mitchell’s saga and back to her own life, but not to Jon.  To her state of attire.

“Dorothea, where can Patience change into her gown?”

“One of the guest rooms upstairs.  I’ll show you the way.”

“Petey?  What’s wrong?  Are you sick?” 

Candace.  The high-pitched, slightly whiny question pushed away any remaining fog and demanded that Petey be lucid. 

I can’t let her see me like this.

She commanded her lips to curve upward and, in the process, reclaimed her customary critical thinking skills.  Easing out from under her mother’s concerned arm, she took a deep breath and called up an affable, “Hi, Candace.  I’m glad you could come.”

“Oh?  So this is Candace?” Gavin gave her a thorough once-over before presenting his hand.  “I’m the maid of honor, but you may call me Gavin.  And you may call me at my salon tomorrow to fix that botched dye-job.”

Candace dropped his hand like a hot potato and drew back.  Her appalled gasp was overshadowed by Dorothea’s outright and David’s choked laughter. 

“Delightful little ensemble you’re wearing, there girlfriend.  Especially those thigh-high boots.  Classy.”  He cocked his head and asked with curious innocence, “So I guess you’re going to work after this?  Couldn’t find anybody to cover your corner tonight?”


Petey needn’t have worried.  Candace didn’t get the viciously pointed barb.  Her face contorted into a bewildered rumple, and she offered a breathy, “Huh?  Tony didn’t tell me anything about working tonight.    I know you’ve been out a while, but you’re not working tonight, are you Petey?  It’s your wedding night.” 

I should let Gavin devour her like the shark he is. Survival of the fittest and all that.

But she just smiled as though Candace had asked the most natural, reasonable question in the world.  “No, I’m not.  But I am going to be late for my own wedding if I don’t get dressed.  I’ll see you after the ceremony Candace.”

“Petey, you can have the yellow guest room,” Dorothea managed while smothering a grin.  “The one you stayed in at New Year’s.  Can you find it okay?”

“Sure.  Thanks, Dorothea.”   With that, she and her wedding party – her mother and Gavin – trouped up the staircase. 

Behind them, Dorothea was doling out instructions for the remaining guests in the foyer.  “David, Tico is in the living room, or Jon and Richie are in the big blue bedroom.  Take your pick.  Candace, you can come with me.  I’ll introduce you to the other guests.”

Dorothea was getting a big thank you gift.  Huge, in fact.  Maybe a car?

☠ ☢

“Dammit, Jon, don’t lecture me!  I’m not a fuckin’ kid and this is not your concern.”  Richie shrugged angrily into his jacket and glared at Jon. The pink tie with the black skulls was perfectly tied – without Jon or Tony’s assistance.  In fact, Tony, sensing the direction the wind was blowing, had bailed before they ever reached the guest room.  Something about Candace was offered up as a lame excuse.

Having more than had his fill of this whole cockamamie situation, Jon threw his hands into the air. 
“You know what?  That’s cool.  This is my wedding day – which is in the week following Hell freezing over on a calendar – and I’m not going to stress over your damn love life.  Do what you wanna do, but when it’s over, just remember that Denny and I are the ones who will be there to pick up the pieces.  We always are.”

Richie’s mouth flew open to offer a few more choice words, but Lemma’s barreling in the door cut him short. 

He copped a dramatic pose and rattled off, “Okay, I know I heard about it, but that’s the first time I’ve ever seen her do that reciting shit.  It’s  a little bit creepy.”

Jon and Richie both snapped their eyes toward Dave, but Jon found his voice first.  “Petey’s reciting?  Why?  What’s wrong?”

Blond curls shook along with his head and his eyebrows lifted high.  “You got me, man.  Gavin said she’d been doing it for the last couple of hours and was freaked out about getting married.  He was on his way to get you when D stopped him.”

Stopped him?  The one time Petey’s friend had done something Jon wholeheartedly approved of and Dottie had tried to stop him?  To hell with that.

He strode toward the door, his hand wrapped around the knob before David could grab his shoulder and drag him to a halt.  “Wait.  She’s okay now.  I mean, at least, she seemed to be.  She talked to Candace for a minute, yelled at Gavin, and then came upstairs to get dressed.”

Okay.  That was good, but…  Dammit.

This was exactly what he’d been afraid of earlier.  She was thinking too much again, and worrying about shit.    How was he going to convince her of that with Doberman Dottie running the halls? Starting a fight with his ex was not going to create blissful wedding memories.  For anybody.

Scrambling for an answer, last night popped into his head.  The way she’d been so adamantly possessive.  Could that be it? 

Please let it be that simple.

He whipped the phone out of his pocket while his two friends looked on.  Even if it didn’t address every issue going through that overachiever brain of hers, he hoped it would be enough to temporarily stave off the anxiety until he could get to her.  Until he could convince her he truly meant it.

[3:30 PM]JON: I’m yours.


 Next post:  Thursday, August 30


  1. Oh LORD!!!!
    David is goig to perform the ceremony!
    *gets popcorn and finds a comfy seat*

    Petey, chill! He Is Yours!!!!

    I actually feel sorry for Candace.... NOT!!! Lets sic Gavin on her!!!

    Blush, great chapter! Nearly peed myself laughing at the "controlled chaos" situation you created on the bank of Navasink!!!!

  2. LOVE GAVIN. hope jon's text makes things better for petey. Thanks for all the chappters this week.cant to read tomarrows.

  3. *swoon* "I'm yours" kills me!!! This is one of your top 10 chapters, for sure! I LOVED IT! Gavin still cracks me up every time! "You can call me at the salon tomorrow to fix that botched dye-job"! LOL This story is never going to end, right?

  4. Gavinisms comes a far second to this line. How perfect Carol....

    [3:30 PM]JON: I’m yours.

    A couple of favorite lines and passages that just scream for recognition... Love Gavin and Even Jon in this chapter with their phrases....

    He may be the perfect Fairy GayMother but THIS is a good friend...“Aren’t you listening to me,
    Gavinisms come second. What a great line Carol. Perfect!!!

    Mother Teresa?” Gavin twice snapped his fingers next to her ear. “Need JBJ. Stat.” He whirled on Dorothea, who still stood inside the doorway. “And you, Snarkalicious… I think a bridal meltdown trumps your heterosexual wedding traditions.”

    And of course.
    Doberman Dottie

    Great job. Love the chapter. WE are getting closer to the wedding and dress debut. Looking forward to it all.

    Love this story. Thank you for making it happen Carol. Your muse does you well. I love it! And this from a Richie girl too.... LOL

    1. My thoughts exactly, Teri. THIS from a Richie girl. Although I might be a Tony girl now... ;o)

    2. I've always been a Jon girl, but after the way Blush has written everyone in this story, I am now a Tony girl and a Richie girl too. (when Richie isn't being such a bonehead about Denny!) I love these guys! Is it wrong to be equally loyal to all 3? :) -Sue

    3. Richie will be more likable soon. Promise. :)

    4. I'm a Richie girl, who slightly turned into a Jon girl and now is a Tony girl!! I can't believe how much I am in love that brother now. Now his the one I want to read about, him and Dorothea.

      Great chapter btw, everything is perfect.

    5. Oh, and I have to say in response to "Richie will be more likable soon. Promise. :)" WHOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm hoping that Jon's final comment to him before they were interrupted by David struck a chord...that Denny's going to be there no matter what, in one way or another...

    6. Ohhh... I will miss the bonehead! *g*

      Your story is getting better and better. Unfortunately it will come to an end *SIGH*

    7. I'm going to miss the whole gang, Jon, Petey, Tony, Dorothea, Richie. everyone. What are you doing to us, leaving us like this?

      This chapter was super. Bravo!

  5. Love the add you have me instead of dying to see the dress, dying to read what their vows will be to each other because lets face it, you're the writer who will come up with something beautiful that will make us all cry.
    Love how Dorothea is trying to make everything the perfect wedding. She is a class act all the way. I'm also loving how Gavin put Candace in her place about the botched dye job. Although, I think that if she had gotten the second comment he made about working the corner, that would have been better. But being a wedding, we don't want a cat fight between Gavin and Candace, because I'd be worried that Amazon will mess up the Fairy Gaymother in a cat fight. :) Anyway, loved the add from start to finish Blush! Thanks for the extra post today...I believe you had said this would be on Thursday, so if we still get our post tomorrow, that's 3 days in a row! :) :) :) -Sue

    1. Enjoy the three dailies. I'm holding off a couple days on the wedding. I don't want to screw it up. :)

    2. Not possible! I thought of an idea for Petey's vows...I think it was in chapter 82-the quote she recited when Jon said he loved her was beautiful. Just have her add and "I'm yours" at the end. Although I'm sure you'll come up with something more fabulous than that for her to say. :)
      Also, one more thing I'd like answered-why the not so David like behavior with Gavin early in the chapter?
      "That was pretty amusing. David wasn’t giving it back to Gavin like he did everyone else." -Sue

    3. David's used to be the over-the-top one. The center of attention. Gavin messes up the natural order of the Jovi universe and he doesn't quite know how to deal with that....

    4. BEING the over-the-top one. Not be. I be having typing issues! :P

  6. “Okay, I know I heard about it, but that’s the first time I’ve ever seen her do that reciting shit. It’s a little bit creepy.”--

    I'm glad that David said it as a first timer in watching it. It would be creepy seeing her recite dialogue. That is something that Jon is really going to have to get used to.

    1. It's called LOVE. Jon is the best and I love his text message.

  7. Ok, you made me all teary-eyed again. It's all Jon's fault actually, with his perfect text message. **sniff**

    A couple of perfect lines this chapter:
    "Thick eyebrows knit together and David’s eyes darted back and forth between her and Gavin, trying to find the right dose of sarcasm for the moment. There must not have been a right dose.", "Doberman Dottie", and best of all:
    "“Oh? So this is Candace?” Gavin gave her a thorough once-over before presenting his hand. “I’m the maid of honor, but you may call me Gavin. And you may call me at my salon tomorrow to fix that botched dye-job.”"

    And may the eating alive commence...keep it up, Gavin! You have my permission to just keep it up til she runs down the road screaming! Too bad she's too ditzy to have understood his second jab.

    I love that Gavin manages to throw David off his stride...I mean, even David couldn't be more over-the-top, so where does that leave him? LOL

    Thanks for the unexpected chapter today, Blush!!!!!

  8. ohh, I so love Gavin. And Candance is truly a blonde, not only the hair color, hahaha.

    And I love how Jon tried to calm Petey with a text message, that's so sweet.

    And I really, really hope, Richie and Denny going to talk to each other. ok, not before the ceremony, but then.

  9. I may be the only one, but I feel a little sorry for Candace. We all want Richie and Denny together, but, Candace didn't do anything wrong. She was invited and accepted Richies invitatation. That being said, I really loved this chapter!!! Jon's text to Petey was perfect.

    1. I agree. Richie called her, Richie is the one who brought her to the wedding. Why was Gavin so mean to her? Is that how Gavin treats new people that he meets for the first time? Saying bluntly to Dorothea are you Jon Bon Jovi's ex-wife was uncalled for but Dorothea handled it good and even in this chapter, made sure that she was talking with other guests.

      It's Denny who I have the problem with. She has been ignoring Richie. She kissed him that one night and that was it. Now she's at the wedding feeling hard done by? getting an attitude? Richie is not her boyfriend. He hasn't even said anything to her, why should he be made to feel guilty?

  10. Anything with Gavin always delights me! But Jon's text is my favorite part of this chapter. Except MAYBE for the visual of Gavin snapping his fingers in Mama T's ear, and of course Candace and her train wreck. Hmm...I guess it's a BIG thumbs up!

  11. [3:30 PM]JON: I’m yours.--

    Nothing more to add.

  12. That last text - my very favourite EVER!

  13. Very few people become great by being timid and quiet.

  14. Gone with the wind is my favorite book or movie ever. Love having that quoted! Another fabulous chapter.
