Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tony Pictures Part 2

I think this is about everything I have....


  1. Really good pictures, thank you for sharing.


  2. Fantastic, Fantastic! Thanks for them!

  3. And the brother shines in his own right! I like the last picture of him working.

    1. Where he deserves to be! I like the one of him on stage and in front of the Harley.

  4. I like the pictures in part 1 and 2. I have seen all of them but it's always good to see again, while we wait for the next chapter. Thank you for always thinking of your readers. It's so sweet that someone asked and you did it for them. Never change. Your story is one a kind and you are one of a kind.

    Look forward to the next chapter but I don't like how you wrote give them a proper ending. Please tell me that we see the guys go on tour, a honeymoon for Jon and Petey (even baby) and a wedding for Tony and Dorothea. It will be hard to say goodbye. - Susan

  5. Thank You Blush for the pictures. Be still my heart, the man has got it.

  6. Excellent photos! I love the one of him on stage holding the camera. His always got a camera in his hands! Now waiting for the new chapter. I wonder what the guys are doing?

  7. Great Photos! {{Hugs}}

  8. Thank You for sharing your photos. Hopefully, they give you good inspiration to continue writing this great story. I always look forward to your updates.

  9. I agree with Susan!! There's just so much we've all been looking forward to, the wedding, going on tour, a baby, Tony and Dot's wedding, Richie getting together with Denny!!! The list is too long!!! That's proof that this is an amazing story, it could go on for a long time without getting boring!!!!

  10. Today's update is still not here!! Actually , yesterday's update is still not here!!! Sniffle, sniffle, whine, sigh!!!

    1. It's lunchtime here. I'm writing as fast as I can !!!

  11. Are we getting a chapter today? I'm not trying to rush you, but it's usually here by now. Will it be soon?

    1. It's still not done. I'm going to mainline Starbucks and stay up tonight until it's finished. I promise and I'm so sorry!!!!

    2. That's ok. I know we seem impatient, but that's because it's so good! I'd rather wait and let you do a good job, than rush you and have it not be so good! But hurry!!!!!!

  12. I saw part one yesterday but not part two! Thank You So Much! Wow, these pictures are great. Just something about that middle brother! Fifth picture down looks like him meeting fans? If only that was me!

    Don't rush the chapter. If it can't be done today, that is fine. It's all worth it and we can wait. Even through it feels like, we will pass out, we won't. I rather you write this story with ease and joy, not feel rushed and writing in frustration! We can wait!
