Monday, July 16, 2012

Please don't kill me....

I've hit the burnout stage. I need a few days to clear my head, mostly because I don't even think what I'm writing is worth reading at the moment.  I could finish it up in a couple of chapters and be done but Jon and Petey (and Tony and Dorothea) don't deserve a 'hurry up and finish' ending.  It deserves the same love and attention the rest of the story has gotten, and I can't do it right now.

Please don't think I'm going to leave this hanging.  I'm not.  I had the same problem with the last story I wrote.  Once I get up over 100 chapters, I lose perspective.  I'm just taking a few days of mental space.  Maybe I'll write an off-the-wall short story just to 'get away'.  But Patience will be back.  Soon.  Next post will be no later than July 24.  That's less than a week.  


  1. I understand you needing space but please be back. I think there is still so much to tell. Every chapter is the best, I look forward to this story everyday and I'm a Richie girl. I love these two couples and could read about them constantly.

    Please don't give them a hurry up and finish. I will miss both couples SO MUCH!

    Take it easy and enjoy your relaxation. I will be here waiting patiently when you get back.

  2. It's hard to be patient but take your time. Just promise you will be back.
    This story is getting better with every chapter!

  3. It would be a lot easier to wait if the Daniel issue was resolved but I don't want you to rush through this. This story is too good to do that. Take your time and we will be here waiting, not patiently!!! , but waiting.

  4. There are no deadlines here in cyberspace. take your time to refresh, you're doing great - enjoy it! so many of us fans are.

  5. I'll write it....and you know what will happen if I do ;) Bahahahaha! Tequila will give you better perspective...just try it! xoxo

  6. that story is worth to wait for.

  7. Take your time, recharge and come back fresh. This story is worth the wait and everyone will wait, believe me! I think once they go on tour, there will be so many other issues to deal with, new ideas. The four couples will have other issues to deal with, aside from Daniel.

    We all love your work, we come here and read everyday and I personally can not get enough of this story. It only gets better and better for me. You are one of a kind.

  8. As long as you come back, that is the important part. Please do not leave Patience and the gang. We love them too much to say goodbye. And just when it got sooooooo good!! Until next week, look after yourself, recharge and come back to the BEST story there is without a doubt - BELINDA

  9. Take all the time you need. Like everyone before me has expressed...we will be here waiting patiently. We would rather you take the time you need and give us an exponential number of chapters :) than to rush you and have to say goodbye!

    Let us know if there is anything we can do to help inspiration wise. A cyber treasure hunt? You put your request out there and we will find the inspiration you seek!


    1. *perk* Cyber treasure hunt? What would that entail, exactly? I've never heard of such a creature....

    2. I don't know exactly. It just popped into my head. Sounded fun. We could make up the rules as we go. Obviously, the bestest inspiration would be photos and vids of the Jovi for you and fun for us! I don't know how specific one could be with that though...


  10. Ok ok ok!!! We will have Patience, but just because you really worth it!!!! Take your time and don't worry for us, your stories are great and that takes time and no hurries!!!!

  11. Take all the time you need. I/We will all be here when you are ready.

    "Cyber treasure hunt" now that sounds fun. Let me know if I can help with that. :)


  12. Take your time, enjoy your life and when muse decide to come back let us know. Even if i will miss Petey and your Jon, i would LOVE to read any other story you want to share with us.


  13. I have to wait til my Birthday! Ok If I have too but it better be a good present! I need to know what happens! URGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Take all the time you need. I know how frustrating it is when you get a block, I've been on a block for the last 18 months! Can't wait until Patience is back but don't force it. It will come when its ready.

  15. I for one, will be waiting for you. I don't want this story to end and I don't want you to feel that you are rushing it or doing a hack job of it. I have enjoyed this story so much and never thought I would get into a story as I have with this one. I'll be waiting until next week when you come back, stronger, fresher and better than ever. There still so much to tell!!

  16. nothing more to add than I´ll be waiting too!!!

  17. I agree it would be easier with out Daniel in the middle of things right now. Do what you have to do we will be here waiting. No worries. I know you will miss my word of the chapter comments LOL

    1. Am I the only one who is liking the Daniel side of the story? But I do agree, once he is out, there is so much more to explore.

      Jon and Petey haven't really dated. They went to the game with the kids and that's it. They are engaged and ever since have been dealing with Daniel. I want to see how it is when they are tour, how the fans react to Jon having a second wife? how they react to Petey?

      Also for Tony and Dorothea, how they react to being apart while he is away on tour and then add in the fans reaction to them. When the fans find out that Jon's ex-wife is now with his brother? will they be Poor Jon, how could they do that to him?

      Or am I thinking too much ahead????

  18. We won't call you because then we will not have Patience anymore!! Little joke there. Seriously, we all LOVE this story and can not wait until it comes back. It is testament to what a good of a writer you are, that so many people are addicted to this story.

    The characters in the story are so good. I love Jon (his my favourite) BUT I am loving me Tony too. For me, I only thought of Tony maybe once in a blue moon or if I saw a picture of him. Now I think about him all the time and feel a little obsession over him and can't wait until his name comes up in the story. What have you done to me? No, you are the best write of fan fiction that I know

    I will always be here waiting! - much love Dianne!

  19. Is anybody else checking everyday just in case?!?!? I'm going through serious withdrawal! I might need professional help before this story is finished!!!

    1. Will part one of my new short story help you, or will it make it worse, since it's not these characters?

    2. Sure it will help. I've enjoyed all your stories so far, so this one should be great too. Of course, I still want you to hurry back to this one!!!!

    3. I'm working on a particularly difficult (for me, anyway) scene in Patience, but I AM working on it. Promise. In the meantime, check out the first of probably 4 installments of Perfect Storm. I'll give a separate post with the link.

    4. Is it next week yet? Can't Not Wait!

    5. I'm checking every day too. Perfect Storm is off to a fabulous start Blush. Just really can't wait for Patience...I think if there hadn't been such a cliffhanger...who am I kidding, I'd still be impatient waiting. :) :) :)-Sue

  20. I'm nervous about it being difficult. Does that mean someone is going to be hurt??? The suspense is killing me, but that's a good thing! It means you're doing your job right!! Take your time and get it right. The new story is great so far!

  21. I love your stories because they are stories. Every chapter is different, every chapter you don't know what is going to happen. I love reading about sex, don't get me wrong but in other stories, they happen in every chapter! it's always a little dialogue and then sex, next chapter, little dialogue and then sex - get my drift? Learning Patience is so different and above and beyond the rest. You have characters, you have a story and you come here knowing that something is going to happen. Can't say enough how great it is.

    For me, I have to add in my little sidenote, you have added a character in this story who has never been used before and he was the missing link. I'm looking at you Mr Tony. Getting him in your story was pure genius! Good Work and can't wait until next week.

    1. Pure Genius? Blush hit the gold mine jackpot bringing Tony into this story. Best decision by far! BEST.DECISION. BY. FAR!! Without fail, best! Can not wait to see what happens in the next chapter. Can't say that I am waiting patiently but I am definitely waiting to see what will happen. You have two great men in this story. ~~ Christina

  22. This story and these 4 four people are worth the wait. I'll be here always, no matter how long. Blush, as you just wrote: FANTASTIC FOURSOME!! No one can beat them.

  23. Oh come back already!! Yes, I can't wait. I need to read about Jon and Patience and get my Tony fix. You are cruel! suppose I will go and read Perfect Storm, while I wait.

  24. Good Lord! Thank God this story is already written! I’d come unglued waiting...wait. I think I probably did the first time around. Bahahahaha!
