Sunday, July 22, 2012

Status Update

Hello!  Have you missed me as much as I've missed you???  

Just wanted to let you know everything is - finally - on track for the promised July 24 (Tuesday) return of Patience.  Thank you for YOUR patience, and thanks to those of you who took the time to read Perfect Storm.  It was a nice mental break while I labored through a particularly difficult section of Patience.

I've missed my characters.  I'm excited to delve back into this thing and meddle in their 'lives' once again.   See you Tuesday!!



  1. Looking forward to the return...can't wait!

  2. Fantastic, can not wait! - Maria

  3. Yes! You've been really missed! Thank you for Perfect Storm. It made the wait less torturous. Is it Tuesday yet?

  4. Yayyy! Good to have you back! Missed patience sooo much!

  5. Making me wait just showed me how much I love this story. I have missed it. I am so interested to know what is going to happen.

  6. Thank goodness. I loved Perfect Storm and hope there will be more to follow. Glad to get back to Jon and Petey. It's such a great story.

  7. Thank God!!! I've missed this story soooo much! I think you should make perfect storm a longer story, but only after this one is done! You should consider writing professionally, you are very talented.

    1. I agree with a longer Perfect Storm and that you should write professionally.

    2. I agree also. You should be writing professionally, you are very talented.


  8. YES!! Best news I have heard all weekend. I was wondering if it was going to come back on Tuesday and so seeing this, just made my day! Welcome Back Jon, Patience, Tony and Dorothea. You have all been missed. Can't wait to see you guys.

  9. I think this break just made readers desperate for more! Now I can not wait to see what will happen. Missing these 4 people so much - Ashley02

  10. I'm happy to see that it will still come back on Tuesday. I knew that I was going to miss Jon and Petey and can't wait to see them come back but it's strange how much I am missing Tony and Dorothea too! Just the way the last chapter left off, I've got pins and needles waiting to see what will happen between all four.


  11. I adore Petey. And I've missed her. But I'm kinda attached to Sheridan and would love to see more of that story!!!

  12. Whoohoo. Wait, Tuesday????? Ok, gotta definitely move forward with convincing my best friend to let me babysit *here* and not at his house...cause otherwise I'll have to wait a whole extra day til I get home on Wednesday! I'm already giving up a day of work for him...but that's asking just too much.

  13. Happy Now!!! WhooHoo!!

  14. At last the best story is coming back.

  15. one more day to wait. it's hard to be patient
