Monday, June 11, 2012

113 - Shop Around

“I love you,” he grated just before he kissed her goodbye.  “Keep the security guy with you at all times.  Promise?”

Petey smiled against his mouth.  “Promise.  So you’re not going anywhere at all today?”

“Nope.  I’m not leaving the building.  I’ve got a ton of phone calls to keep me busy right here.”  Stealing one last kiss, he opened the front door of the apartment for her, where said ‘security guy’ – Rocco – was waiting patiently.  “You’re going to Gavin’s and then where?”

“I don’t know.  He’s driving this thing today.  I’m sure we’ll hit the big department stores but other than that, I don’t have any idea.  Don't forget that Mom has arranged a car from the airport and should be here around four.  I plan on being back by then, though.”

“Okay.  Have fun and find a dress that you love.”  His broad hand landed on her bottom with a light smack and then squeezed.  “I’ll be here when you get home.”

Petey grinned.  Seemed like she was doing a lot of that lately, in spite of the dire circumstances they were dealing with.  She couldn’t help it though.  Jon and his penthouse being referred to as 'home' gave her reason to smile.

“Love you, Jonny.”  It was the first time she’d used the familiarization of his name that was usually reserved for family members and close friends, and she was almost taken aback to hear it roll off her tongue so effortlessly.  It wasn’t something she’d contemplated ever calling him, but it fit.  It was an endearment without being overly sweet.  

Jon lifted a curious brow, but didn't comment, only chortling softly, “Love you too, Baby.” 

One more peck on the lips, and she and Rocco were whisked down in the elevator to Mercer Street where a hired car waited. 

Nodding her thanks when Rocco held the door, she slipped in the back seat, scooting all the way over to make room for him.

“I’ll just ride in the front with the driver, ma’am.”

Rocco looked exactly like what a man named Rocco should look like  - dark eyes and hair, olive skin, stocky and muscle bound.  Petey would be astonished if he weren’t some type of ‘special’ security that Jon had called in.  Considering the exploits of the last crew, she wouldn’t put it past him to hand pick who was watching out for her and the kids.  There had been two carbon copies of Rocco stationed at Dorothea's house yesterday.

Probably Guido and Vito, she thought wryly.

Petey nodded her acceptance with a polite smile and was safely sealed into the back of the car with the heavy black door.  Deciding that the short ride to Gavin’s would be well spent multitasking, she pulled the phone from her pocket, checking for missed messages.

Nothing.  Richie still hadn’t replied to any of her texts. 

That was fine.  It wouldn’t detract her from bugging the life out of him until he relented on his ridiculous boycott.  He would be there if she had to go get him herself.

[9:47 AM]PT: Ignoring me isn’t going to make me stop hounding you.  Please don't disappoint him.  Us.  

With a glint of determination in her eye, she tapped the Send button.  He would come for the wedding if for no other reason than to shut her up.  She planned to bombard him with messages until he got his head out of his ass.  If that didn't work, she would resort to phone calls and anything else she deemed necessary.

Tucking her wool coat around her, she pushed her hands and the phone into its pockets and happily wondered if Gavin knew where to find a black wedding dress.

☠ ☢

Richie dropped the phone back on the bedside table with a groan.  Petey had definitely reached the point of hounding, and it wasn’t helping the way he felt.  The only saving grace this morning was that he hadn’t fallen off the wagon, and that he’d had enough good sense to send his booty call home before she could fall asleep.  He had no interest in waking up in the same bed with her.  She gave good head, but he wanted her to swallow and get out.

Sexual tension had been released, but still felt like shit. 

Damn you, Petey.

The one time in his life he didn't bend to everyone else's will, and they wouldn’t even leave him to do it in peace.  One text message from yesterday, in particular, had been haunting him:   "Are you jealous?"

Haunting him because, fuck yes, he was jealous. 

He’d been divorced longer than Jon and actively taking applications for a replacement - with no luck.  Jon didn’t care about dating and presumably didn’t even care about getting laid.  Then what happens?  Ms. Perfect walks in Jon Bon fucking Jovi’s front door and offers herself to him.  Well, he didn’t know if that’s exactly what happened, but it may as well have.  The end result was the same.

Everything was handed to Jon on a fucking silver platter.  Dorothea had been a model wife and now he had Petey head-over-heels in love with him.  Two amazing women in a lifetime and Richie could barely find one.

Was it so much to ask that he have someone to grow old with?  Someone that he could enjoy the simple things with?  A California sunset, a heartfelt piece of music, or just a nice meal?

Jealous covered it pretty well.  Jealous and lonely.

That’s not their fault.  You know she’s right about the regret.  You’ve always supported him before, whether you agreed with what he was doing or not.  He sees things differently, but always makes it work.  He’s your best fucking friend.

Richie snarled as the phone vibrated again.

Leave me alone Petey.

But it wasn’t Petey, it was his assistant and good friend, Denise Salazar. 

[7:01 AM]DENNY: We got things 2 do 2day sweet cheeks. Lunch mtg?

Denny was the only woman who’d been there for him through all the ups and downs, playing the role of his quiet, yet staunch, champion.   Maybe she would let him use her as a sounding board to clear his head.

[7:02 AM]RICH: Lunch is good. Usual place n time?

[7:03 AM]DENNY: Ya. C U there. xx

Denny had been his rock during that last long haul in rehab.  She kept the real world pressures at bay, only allowing good news in and filtering the rest of the shit out until he'd had enough time to heal his soul. 

He smiled fondly. 

She’d even managed to sweet talk them into letting him have a guitar when it was against the rules.

Yeah.  If anybody could straighten his ass out, it was Denny. 

☠ ☢

“So where are we going, Fairy Gaymother?” Petey all but chirped when he slid into the back seat of the car. 

Beneath a dramatic full-body shiver, Gavin moaned, “Preferably someplace where it isn’t colder than a witch’s tit!”  Eyes prominently fixed on the front passenger’s seat, he added under his breath, “But if that muscle-bound Mafioso gets close enough, I’m sure my body temperature will compensate for Mother Nature – the frigid bitch.”

Petey clucked her tongue with disdain.  “Gavin, he’s a married man.  I don’t think his wife and two daughters would appreciate you hitting on him.”

“Pfft!”  He waved an unconcerned hand in her direction.  “I didn’t say I wanted him, I said he’s hot.  Two totally different things, Dollface.  I can appreciate a kitchen door even if it doesn’t swing the right way.”

She saw the driver grimace in the rearview mirror and was thankful she couldn’t see Rocco’s face.  Laughing quietly, she reminded her friend, “It’s helpful if the driver has someplace to drive us.  Do you have someplace for us to start this adventure?”

“Oh, honey, do I have a place to start!  Purple Passion is having a mid-week trunk show.  They don’t normally open until noon, but they’re making an exception today, because oh… my… God!”  A classic Gavin squeal pierced the confines of the vehicle and Rocco unobtrusively stuck a finger in his ear.

Purple Passion was one of the stores where she shopped semi-regularly, but she didn’t recall them ever having anything worth oohing and ahhing over in the way of Goth formal-wear. 

She told the driver to head for West Twentieth and slapped a hand down on the seat.  “What?  'Oh my God', what?” she demanded, knowing that the drama queen must have something good or he wouldn’t be bleeding it quite so heavily.  “Who’s doing the trunk show?”

“You are so gonna get me a Fairy Gaymother tiara for this one,” he said with a smug toss of his head.  “Because....... Directly from London...... with her debut trunk show is…...  The Fairy Gothmother!”

An audible gasp sucked the air from her lungs.  Petey didn’t really want to be that girl, but she was going to be.  “No way!  How did you find out?” 

Fairy Gothmother was an amazing designer based out of London, who did couture pieces - much like Gavin said Richie’s company was doing at the moment.  Petey only had one of her outfits – the black velvet that Jon liked so much from that first booty call – but it was incredible quality and style.  Their website had such fabulous Goth garmentry, that she visited it often just to ‘Windows’ shop. 

The most ironic thing was that it was one of FG’s dresses that she was carrying in the back of her mind as a model for the perfect wedding dress.  Petey hadn’t dreamed of having a shot at an actual Fairy Gothmother original.

Exasperation flooded Gavin’s features and his tone was haughty.  “Honey, I’m a gay salon owner in SoHo.  They bring flyers for this kinda shit by the shop every day.  Most of the time I don’t bother littering my window with them, but since I have a little Goth Tinkerella in my circle of friends, I took special notice of this one.”

“Pick a tiara and it’s yours,” she sighed with glee. 

Yes, she realized she was a highly educated and intelligent woman who shouldn’t be acting like a teenage girl over a damn frou frou dress, but she’d never gotten to be a teenager.  There had been no Homecoming or Prom dates, and she’d been fairly certain until very recently that she would never have a wedding.  This was it.  This was all her girly dress-up occasions rolled into one event, and Petey had every intention of making it count!

☠ ☢

Phone calls had been made, he’d made himself a salad for lunch, and now he was wasting time plunking around on his old black Takamine.  Well, not necessarily wasting time.  More like experimenting. 

Jon had a song he couldn’t get out of his head and it was annoying as hell.  There was no great mystery as to why it was on his mind, but it had been there several days now.  Since he couldn’t seem to exorcise it by sheer dismissal, he decided to put it to good use and looked up the lyrics. 

Since then, he’d been picking out the chords until he could perform song without disgracing himself.  Once upon a time, he’d probably known all the words, as it was pretty popular back in the day, but that was a lot of years ago.  Besides, if was going to do this, he wanted to put his own spin on it.

He strummed with a little more force, finding the soul of the song.

“Was a time when I wasn't sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt you're in my heart now”

It wasn’t even in the top one hundred on the romantic song list, and thereby out of place at a wedding, but he couldn’t dismiss the appropriateness of it.  Romantic wasn’t really his thing, and she knew that.  Hopefully, she’d see his gesture for what it was meant to be.

The doorbell interrupted the second chorus and the metal strings rasped squeakily when his fingers screeched to an abrupt halt.  Jon flipped his wrist around to check the face of the big, stainless steel watch.  Almost four o’clock.  Teresa must be running a little early.

With a  soft groan, he hauled his old butt up off of the couch and quickly stretched his legs before leaning the guitar against the wall.  Sex with Petey was addictive, but it was also starting to take its toll.  He wasn’t twenty-five anymore, able to go all night long every night of the week with no ill effects.  Tonight may have to be a 'make love' night instead of a 'screw' night so that he could recuperate without admitting his limitations.

He pulled at the hem of his Henley and ran a quick hand through already tousled hair, glancing down to the frayed hem of the jeans he was wearing.  Jon’s future mother-in-law had never seen him in anything but a suit.  Guess it was time for her to meet at-home Jon.

Turning the knob, his smile froze in place when he didn’t find Teresa Heinz Kerry waiting in the hallway, but a tall man in blue coveralls.  There was a box at his feet and a garment bag draped over one arm. 


“Uh. Yes.”  He cleared his throat and rubbed at the bandage on the bridge of his exceptionally big nose.  “I have some packages from Macy’s for Ms. Diehl.  She said someone would be here to receive them.”

Jon looked the guy up and down thinking he was awfully scrawny to be a delivery guy.  He would be suspicious if Petey hadn’t twice asked about his plans for the day.  She and Gavin must’ve found more than they planned on and sent part of it ahead so they didn’t have to haul it around Manhattan.  Oh well.  He supposed you didn't have to be built like a linebacker to deliver a dress.

“Yeah, okay.”  He was just about to take a step back when he felt two piercing stabs in the center of his chest and there was the scream of a wounded animal echoing in his ears.  The apartment tilted crazily, scrambling his brain before he realized he was the one screaming.

What the hell is going on?

About that time, he lost all control of his limbs and hit the foyer floor with a jarring impact.  Jon registered the feel of cold tile against his face as he spasmed against its hard surface, flopping like a hundred and fifty pound marlin on the deck of the fishing boat he'd chartered last summer.

The room was bending in strange places and he wondered where the hell the funhouse mirrors had come from.  He was pretty sure the penthouse was falling into the middle of Mercer Street when the lights began to fade, dark shadows crowding in around the periphery of his vision.  

He fought to keep his wits about him, but it was no use.  He was going to black out. 

The last thing Jon remembered hearing before he lost consciousness was, “A doctorate in electronics can make even the most innocent Taser gun deadly.”


  1. Oh No!!!! Please don't make us wait til tomorrow to find out what happens!!! I really think it might kill me if you do!

  2. Oh shit. I knew something aweful would happen. Why didn't they gave a picture of that Daniel crap to the doorman. And why isn't there security at Mercer street?
    And why for gods sake Jon didn't look through the peephole?
    And can we have another chapter today? I'm so scared I think I can't sleep tonight.

  3. He got Jon!!! You are going to pay Daniel!!

    You CAN'T leave it here!!!!!!!!!!!
    I know we asked for the psycho and what's on his mind BUT NOT this way!!!

    Any chance asking for more? maybe? pleeeeaaaseeeeee???

  5. Ok, so many thoughts going through my head about that last part, I've forgotten all the good stuff I was planning to say about everything else. I'll go back & re-read later & comment again. But for now: COME BACK HERE & TELL US WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!

    Yes, I'm yelling. And Demanding. I've never done that to you before, so you'll understand that I really, really, really need another chapter this time, right??

  6. Remember earlier in the story when you were dealing with dIsturbing issues , you posted the next chapter so we wouldn't have to wait? This is EXTEMELY disturbing!!!!!

  7. I agree with y'all. Also maybe Richer should try dating his assistant, if she is single in this story. You can tell by the way he talks about her that he cares very much for her. and if she can do all of those things for him then why not!

    1. I forgot all about that. I was gonna say the same thing, but the ending erased all memory of what happened before.

  8. I thought Jon knew what Daniel looked like, but even if he didn't, wasn't the bandage on his huge nose a clue? And what did Daniel mean about the taser being deadly?!?!? Get back here now!!! I haven't been begging for more chapters lately, but this is more like a demand!!! You make this seem so real it really is scaring me!!!

  9. Loved the "Jonny."

    Way to go, Petey. Keep hounding Richie. It's starting to work. Even if it is very sad...hate seeing upset Richie. Hopefully Denny can make him see reason.

    And, silly man, Richie - you didn't need a booty call last night - you needed a good woman. Believe it or not, there are some of us out here, even if we are fans...and we're not ALL scary. You're taking applications? First I've heard of it - someone must have stolen all of them & hidden them somewhere to keep you all to herself. Get a website, put it on there. Then, to thank me for the idea, send me a direct message on Twitter so I can be the first to fill it out.

    Ok, so Jon has security on Petey & Dorothea & the Kids...does he not remember that the text she JUST got last chapter was threatening HIM...why did *he* not have extra security?

    1. What text in the last chapter? I reread it and didn't see it. Did I miss something?

    2. That's my question. What text? lol

    3. Ooh, was it maybe more than one chapter ago? I was referring to the text Petey got with the picture of Jon with Daniel.

    4. Genie, what are you smoking? There was no text picture - not in the entire story.

    5. Genie...quote from chapter 103. "In the meantime, he was going to have to find a way to coerce her into giving him what he wanted. A way that involved an unsuspecting, yet integral part of her life. A way that wouldn’t allow her to refuse him."
      That led me to believe that he'd be going after Jon directly, since Jon was so adamant about protecting everyone but himself-he didn't think Daniel would come after him. As for the fic with the text picture-that was Brilliant Disguise-yet another great one I'm addicted to-but I have to say Blush, no one has us hooked the way you do with your cliff please bring on more. Pretty please? :) :) :) -Sue

    6. Thank God someone asked what text Genie was talking about!! I am reading this story everyday and never saw any text or threat towards Jon in the previous chapter and so I thought I was losing my mind!! How did you get both stories mixed up? they are nothing alike.

      - Ellen -

  10. Oh wait...getting my stories mixed up. LOL

    1. A-HA! You're not monogamous to LP huh?? :P LOL

    2. LOL, no! It may be my current favorite, but I'm addicted, especially to Richie stories, but since there's none of those going on, I'll read other Jon stories too.

    3. Wait? there are other Jon stories........

      OMG JON!! - Gisele!!

    4. Bahaha! Seeeee Genie? THAT was a good answer! TY Gisele!

    5. LOL, too late, I'd already busted myself!

  11. Replies
    1. Yeah, ya see what all this stress wondering if Jonny's ok has made me do??????

  12. Come on, Carol. Post the next chapter - NOW PLEASE!!!!!!

  13. damn Jon - where is your extra Security???
    OMG - there must be someone to help him!!!

  14. Welcome back Daniel! We've been waiting for you to try something. Where was the Doorman? How did they get in without a heads up phone call?

    You my dear are too funny. There were a couple of GREAT lines I wish I thought of...I just have to point them out...
    She gave good head, but he wanted her to swallow and get out.

    Someone said something about Richie dating Denise Salazar. Not a bad idea. Better than the botty call gir. (Who said that? LOL)

    I also agree with the person who said there are good girls out here even if we are fans....

    Final comment.... I guess Jon was too macho to need security? I admire his putting security out for the kids and Petey but hello??? Jon you're a target too.....


    actively taking applications for a replacement - with no luck

  15. oh no no no no no no no !!!!!!!
    Please dont let us wait until tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!


  16. OMFG Jon needs help!!! Please ... give us another chapter soon!!!

  17. fivefivegenie: I'm reading Brilliant Disguise too :)

    Carol: Is there a hidden talent the world might be surprised by? Is Teresa going to show up and kick Daniel's ass Dorothea-karate-style?...or will she get tased too? You are EVIL to leave us hanging, but I LOVE it!!!!


  18. I just caught this story now and so I am reading it slowly all over the place. One question, why not have Richie go out with Dorothea? They are friends, both single and know each other for so long. Petey is engaged with Jon but I think Richie going out with Dorothea would be nice. From Brenda

    1. Brenda, I'm not sure how far you are in the story, but Dorothea has someone-don't want to give it away in case you haven't read that, but we all love them from beginning to now and you'll understand why Blush won't put Richie & Dorothea together. :) :) :) -Sue

    2. Oh Brenda, you don't know what you are missing. There are two stories going on in Learning Patience. Jon and Petey but Dorothea has got a story too and it has become very popular. I strongly recommend you go to the beginning of the story. When it first begins, it's hinted at and you might think what? but continue reading. They are fabulous!! I love the man who she is with and sort wish him for myself! You'll love it.


  19. Brenda, I second what Sue said. I won't say who with but Dorothea is in a relationship and very happy. Believe me, you won't be disappointed because they are fantastic together and as Sue said we all love them!! Trust me - READ THE STORY!!!

  20. NO F’ING WAY!!!! I forgot about this too!!!! Omg!
